Mahashivaratri: The Great Night of Lord Shiva, Celebrated with Fasting, Vigils, Puja, and Offering Prayers for Spiritual Well-being and Enlightenment.
About Mahashivaratri
Maha Shivaratri, also known as the Great Night of Shiva, is a Hindu festival celebrated in honor of Lord Shiva. It falls on the 14th day of the dark fortnight in the Hindu month of Phalguna (February or March). On Mahashivaratri, devotees observe fasts and stay awake all night, engaging in prayers, meditation, and chanting of hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva. Many visit Shiva temples, where special rituals and offerings are performed. Devotees also perform the ritualistic bathing of Shiva lingam (Shiva's representation) with water, milk, honey, and other sacred substances. Mahashivaratri holds significant spiritual and mythological importance. It is believed that Lord Shiva performs the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction on this night. Devotees seek his blessings for inner peace, spiritual enlightenment, and the removal of obstacles. The festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil and the transcendence of darkness into light. It is celebrated with great devotion and fervor by millions of Shiva devotees worldwide.
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